Power biting is a combination of training techniques which has
been systematically designed to enhance the overall gripping
behavior of the dog, while drastically reducing the risk of injury
to the dog as well as the decoy. These techniques can be applied
to Police service dogs, any of the biting sports, as well as
personal protection aggression training. Additional benefits
include but are not limited to the following: Enhanced grip
depth & pressure, eliminates transfer bites, handler &
environmental neutralization, enhanced speed of entry,
cardiovascular conditioning, reflex response to pressure and
By utilizing the dog’s opposition reflex, ignited by heavy grade
bungee lines in conjunction with the decoy facing the dog and
driving backwards, we create an activation to drive deeper and
fuller into the bite. Through a rhythmic series of releasing and
reengaging tension of the bungee by the decoy, the dog’s
impulse becomes to drive forward. As this exercise progresses
through many repetitions, muscle memory will be instilled. Once
we have an anticipatory behavior, this will give the handler and
the decoy the opportunity to implement cues which trigger your
dogs’ conditioned response to bite deeper and fuller. This will
also trigger the dog to initiate a fight during chaotic settings
created by pressure from the decoy and the environment. For
example, methodically and non-intrusively being touched by a
stick, foot, hand, or any other environmental stressor can be
introduced just prior to the anticipated behavior of the dog
driving deeper into the bite. Over time, with consistency, what we
once knew as “pressure” will become an activation of drive
in your dog. As this technique advances, we gradually increase
the intensity of the decoy’s opposition and environmental
stressors. The utmost caution is given to each dog’s specific
needs and genetic capabilities to ensure positive learning occurs